How Can Working Adults Get Washboard Abs?

If you are pondering the benefits of a personal training program in Downers Grove, there’s a pretty good chance that one of your areas of concern is your abs. Both men and women love the chance to have toned, defined abs.

The ultimate crunch


If you want to improve the look of your abs, how can you do it?

You’re already on the right track: Every type of fitness program should be personalized to the individual.

Since that is the case, you can get the very best results from talking to your own personal trainer.

But what are the basics? How can anyone, male or female, get better abs?

There are several very powerful exercises for the abs that most anyone can do.

Some of the key exercises for better abs include:

– Planks
– Side Plank
– Bridge March
– Lunge With Rotation

These are divided up between exercises that you do on a mat and exercises that you do from a standing or squatting position. The thing that unites them all is the fact that you have to get your abs involved by moving your trunk in an unexpected way.

In standing exercises, you achieve this literally by turning your entire trunk, or core.

This activates all the muscles that are involved down the center line of your body, not just your abs, and increases the amount of support there.

The more you build up your abs, the more you will be impacting the power and energy that you can evoke from your trunk. This is important because your core is involved in every move you make as a key source of your balance.

When you are doing floor or mat exercises, then the key motion comes from your legs.

Yes, you can activate your abs and the surrounding muscles by using your legs!

The key to getting your abs in shape is to treat the body to a wide range of different movements. You want to be able to “surprise” the body so that the calorie burn will remain consistent. If you use the same exercises constantly, you’ll adapt too fast.

You’ll be surprised when you find out that many exercises for the abs have effects all the way through your body and can be modified to impact the buns and much more.

To find out all about exercises for your abs, learn about Total Energy Bootcamp and our expert training.

Locals love our fast-acting personal training program in Downers Grove!


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